Monday, March 7, 2011


So as I sit here at the end of the week, well Thursday and look back at the weeks that have passed. Aarhus is pretty much same old same old. I actually though started my learn danish classes. It is very interesting but very difficult. I am excited though to be finally learning this complex language. Hopefully, when I try to speak it around town people won’t be overly critical of how and what I am saying.
I have found that it is perpetual winter here! I am kind of ready for warmth so I can start enjoying the city more. I am looking forward to tonight. My friend Brandon from Bama is coming over to talk about his amazing trip to Venice, Rome, and Holland. I can only imagine it was a very wild time. I’m sure his pictures of venice will be amazing.
I was originally going to go and booked a few flight to get to Venice. However, when I tried to book flights home i found that the cheapest ones would cost 550usd. That was way way way to much and I definitely wasn’t going to pay that. Oh well, Venice will always be there. Unless it sinks.... and I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
As you may or may not know March 2nd is Texas Independence day. Sadly, I could not do my normal routine which is listen to Texas country, eat BBQ, drink a shiner, and wear my boots every where. I did improvise here though. I listened to country, made semi-BBQ chicken and fried green beans with danish beer. I wore my boots around town just so everyone knew. Actually, I usually wear my cowboy boots around town and to class so it wasn’t anything different.
I got a package from home and it was like heaven. We got instant hidden valley ranch to mix with sour cream. I know this will be amazing however we have to find sour cream. I got instant roux mix so I don’t have to take a long time making roux anymore, even though i have mastered it now. We also had a huge relief in the seasoning side of things. We were running low on Tony’s Creole seasoning. My mom though came through in the clutch and packed a hugggeeee can of it. If we ran out I don’t know what I’d do!!!
So today, March 7th, I woke up to go get my hair cut down the road. On arrival I realized that a mens hair cut was 65usd. Ya needless to say, I got the heck out of there. I knew things would e more expensive coming here but really Denmark?! Oh well, I am just glad to be up and moving early. Now, I have some much needed time to work on my danish. It was nice to use danish out and about. The only problem is I know the basic stuff. After all I have only been in a week of classes. I did however ask someone their name and where they were from. They quickly started spouting off all these sentences and all I said in danish was “I speak english.” The perplexed look on their face was merited. After all I had started out a conversation in danish, only to tell them I spoke english.
Well see you around. I decided to end each blog with something I find troubling, weird, or just awkward about Denmark. Also, maybe throw in a little something interesting. I will make up for the other blogs not having these and put a bunch in here. Once again these are things I have noticed. I realize that not everything I come across here is actually a part of every Danes true culture. I am merely commenting and bring up things I have seen.
Why don’t people clean up after their dogs. I find that disgusting and annoying. It isn’t just off on the grass people literally leave it on the sidewalks.
People always say American’s are racist. I realize that racism is still very much alive and we are worlds away from a truly colorblind America. However, I see racism even over here. Bottles are worth money over here if you actually take the time to return them. It is not strange to find people at night walking around picking up bottles. Saturday when I asked a Dane about it he responded, “Stupid Greenlanders!” I realize much like America a few bad apples can ruin the bunch, and not everyone holds the same idea. However, I find there is some air of distrust, towards some of the immigrant populations by some Danes I have ran across.
Manners, I was raised with southern manners and would get a whoopin’ if I did otherwise. Manners are very different here. I am especially someone who hates lines. I am patience! However, I am not big on lines. I will however wait in them if I absolutely have to. I have noticed the Danes cut. A lot! If they would just realize that if they waited in line we could all get in, in a timely manner. Plus, It is just flat out rude!
I find that many people who have cars over here haul ass everywhere.(pardon the expression)
Coolest place I’ve been to since going out here. Ping Pong Bar! Everyone was nice and social and it was a lot of fun.
People dance like it is a middle school church dance over here. Not like its a problem, after all some of the dancing that I have seen in America is way over the line. The Danes just leave a little bit to much room for Jesus. Or maybe it is just because I am an American.
I find it funny when people ask where I am from and I say America. They then say oh which state and I show them my boots and they say, “TEXAS!” Sometimes I will just show them my boots and they will still get it right. It makes me veryyyy happy!

Also, Yes my writing style is one that is not grammatically correct. I apologize for those I offend by my terrible writing abilities. But honestly, I am blogging not writing a research paper. In other words, DEAL WITH IT. Now that that’s over with. I hope you enjoyed my random thoughts. See you next time I blog.

"Sure, I've been called a xenophobe, but the truth is I'm not. I honestly just feel that America is the best country and all the other countries aren't as good. That used to be called patriotism."

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